The multiple Sclerosis

More often it happens unexpectedly: the person rises in the morning and suddenly understands, that one eye it(he) began to see worse. It(he) addresses to the oculist who after inspection diagnoses "nevrit", or " an inflammation of an optic nerve ". In 95 % of cases this illness is a harbinger of development of a multiple sclerosis. That such the multiple sclerosis both what methods and means are offered today with medicine for struggle against it(him), tell the professor of faculty of surgical illnesses and new endosurgical technologies, ä. M. í. Eric of HOLIDAYS and the senior scientific employee of the Research centre of the Moscow state mediko-stomatologic university to. M. í. Grigory Samohin

Illness of advanced northern countries

In DISTRIBUTION of multiple sclerosis (MS) such law is traced: the further from equator, the desease MS grows. In Africa this illness practically does not meet, as well as in southern breadthes of the former USSR: in Uzbekistan, for example, cases of this illness are extremely rare. Today the leading place by quantity(amount) of patients MS is borrowed(occupied) with the advanced countries of the Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia where this disease meets frequency 30-80 on 10 000 population. So, in USA patients MS than 200 thousand person is totaled more. In Byelorussia, on Ukraine desease MS a little bit below also makes from 25 up to 50 cases on 10 000, and more often disease meets in the central areas of Russia. In our country the quantity(amount) of patients MS makes about 75 thousand person. Only in Moscow suffering by this illness it is totaled more than 5 thousand.

MS entails not only psychological, physical, material problems for the patient, but also economic - for the state. In the Great Britain, for example, the expenses connected with MS, average per one year 1,192 billion pounds. The item, in USA - 9,7 billion dollars, in Australia - 240,5 million dollars In the Russian Federation according to mediko-economic standards on stationary course of treatment of one patient is released(let off) hardly more than thousand roubles, that is Hardly there are more than 35 dollars, or 2 million 625 thousand dollars per one year, on all patients MS. Comparison of parameters, unfortunately, is far from being in our advantage(benefit).

Illness young

the multiple SCLEROSIS - illness of young age, people (more often the woman) from 15-17 till 34-35 years though there are supervision when illness developed and after 40 years suffer him(it). Cases of development MS and at children of 7 years are described. The earlier there is a multiple sclerosis, the it is heavier his(its) current. Researches show, that the illness which has begun at early age (15-18 years), proceeds more aggressively than if she(it) began from 20-24 years.

There Is an assumption, that at some people this disease - is hereditary caused, that is programmed on 100 %; in other cases there is a hereditary predisposition to it(him) which is realized at influence of the certain external and internal factors closely connected to immunology of an organism, infections (in particular virus) and a number(line) of other factors (environment(Wednesday), stressful situations, failure of system of adaptation of an organism). If at the patient in a sort someone from relatives suffered a multiple sclerosis the probability of occurrence of illness grows, but a direct communication here is not traced, that is if someone from parents is sick, it does not mean, that also children for certain will be ill.

The multiple Sclerosis - disease at which occurs many centers defeat in the basic of white substance of the central nervous system (ìèåëèíà) that is accompanied by infringement of functions of all regulating systems of an organism. In itself the multiple sclerosis does not result in fatal outcome, but it(he) is dangerous development fast invalid which occurs within 3-5 years. Taking into account that specific treatment MS does not exist, illness gradually progresses, resulting that the patient at late stages completely don't move, at him(it) infringements to piss gradually develop that results in stagnation of urine, connection of a secondary infection in uric ways and very much frequently - to a urological sepsis.

As far as this process quickly develops, depends on form MS. There is a so-called lightning form when the first group of physical inability of the patient reaches for one year from the beginning of disease. At rather favorable current we have supervision over patients, which both 60, and 70 years.

The Reasons and mechanisms of development MS are very complex(difficult) and up to the end are not found out. Many researchers count, that the reason of illness - infectious defeat of nervous system, others give conducting place to various infringements in immune system. Practically everyone converge that the big negative influence on an organism of the person is rendered with an environment (the raised(increased) concentration of a dust, metals etc.).


ONE of basic problems MS is insufficient efficiency of spent therapy. The big variety of medical products and methods of treatment only reflects an insufficient level of our knowledge of this disease. Unfortunately, now there are no means and the methods, allowing to cure MS finally, but it is possible and in most cases is necessary to suspend process to achieve remission of disease, to increase her(it), to prevent seasonal aggravations, to improve quality of life of the patient. Therefore the earlier the patient will address to the doctor - neurologist, the the forecast of current of illness will be more favorable.

All medical methods can be subdivided into two basic groups. The first are ways and the means directed on interruption of mechanisms of development of illness (hormonal preparations, the medicines regulating work of immune system, stimulators of development(manufacture) of special substances, clining blood by means of special procedures - hemosorbsurgical, plazmoferezsurgical etc.).

The Second group - means which action is directed on liquidation of separate displays of illness (vitamins, the preparations influencing reaction of a cell(cage), normalizing information interchange between nervous cells(cages), the means lowering a muscular tone, oxigenterapi, influence by magnetic fields). The preparations influencing processes of a metabolism are used.

Attempts of creation of vaccines against MS but while they remain unsuccessful Are undertaken.

Unfortunately, at treatment MS the role of lymphatic system and an opportunity of influence on process from its(her) party(side) till now are not taken into account. The lymphatic system exists alongside with blood. She(it) more ancient, in its(her) functions enters transport of products of a cellular exchange, carry of information molecules. In it(her) contains 97 % of all limfocits. Under limfological methods it is meant saturation of lymphatic system by medical products and - or regulation of speed of movement of a lymph to influence illness through functions of lymphatic system. This direction is developed among other on faculty of surgical illnesses and new endosurgical technologies of the Moscow state mediko-stomatologic university.

The Carried out(spent) researches allow doctors to recommend preparations of the general(common) action - a complex of vitamins of group In, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, the preparations improving a metabolism of a nervous fabric (Cerebraseline, Gliteline), nervous conductivity (Tioctacid), normalizing lipid an exchange (Essencile, Legalone). Preparations (Instenone) which not only improve blood circulation in the central nervous system, but also normalize a metabolism in nervous cells(cages).

Search of new methods and means of struggle against this illness proceeds. And in process of understanding of mechanisms of the reasons and development MS effective means of struggle against this artful disease will be found. That is developed for today, is accessible to practising doctors, but to mastering by these new means, purchases of the appropriate skills special training is necessary.

Julia Eskareva



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